We come from way different backgrounds, but share the same intellect that Namibia’s bush encroachment is not a problem:
That if used sustainably and in collaboration with rural communities and conservancies, is the mechanism through which:
By focusing on biochar, our business is based on the formulation of a carbon-negative footprint and trading on the ability to verify the data produced by manufacturing biochar and encouraging the use of biochar (sequestering) in value chain(s).
Omiti Biochar projects sustainably utilise Namibia’s bush resources to reduce excess encroacher bush in a holistic manner to maintain an optimum savanna ecosystem with enhanced ecological, social, and economic benefits.
We believe that employment creation provides a direct channel for distributing the benefits of Namibia’s bush biomass throughout the population. That is why bush harvesting is done on a semi-mechanized manual basis that is more labour intensive and biochar production is done by hand with Kon-Tiki flame curtain kilns. Through this, we offer more employment opportunities. And deliver an artisanal biochar product.
We have the support of several local and international leading academics and researchers that provide us with a platform for innovation and growth.
Omiti Biochar
PO Box 23433, Windhoek, 9000, Namibia
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